Thought it would be GREAT idea to have it on my blog too!!! ( seeing as I have not figured out entirely how to link things yet.)
You can find the forum at this link, Raw Fu Forum .
Here are some things that I do that bring me joy as well as lots of yummy things to eat. AND then I just feel ABUNDANT when thinking about food!
- I LOVE to forage and Find lot of delicious things like: berries, apples, cherries, miner's lettuce, dandelions, other greens and other kinds of fruits. I make fabulous smoothies with these! ( It helped to have a book on edible wild plants when I started out)
- I grow sprouts on my window
- Find the foods in season, usually very reasonable pricing .
- I grow some food on my own outside. That is fun, but I don't really grow enough to feed my family by what I grow.
- I shop the 'sales' and find what is on sale at variety of places. I get the sales from grocery stores sent to my inbox that helps with knowing what is on sale, without having to do a lot of running around.
- There are many grocery stores and a fresh grocer that sell many items that are locally grown! How great is that!
- There are also community gardens, but they are too far away to walk to get to.. so I don't get to those. But if you have a community garden close by, great to participate in!
- Those are some ideas I have used for my family. My kids eat some cooked food , so there are things that I buy that are in bigger quantities. Like rice, beans, etc.
- We also had the grocery stores in our area without any 'reduce rack' produce, for a few years! I kept asking for it, and one day, in one of there stores.. it popped up!
- I have also made friends with many of the produce people in the grocery stores,, just because I am there so much. So, when I see things that are really ripe, and think they will not last to the next day I ask the produce manager ( or staff person) if I could have it at a reduced rate. Sometimes it they say yes. sometimes they say no. But when they say yes, I get it for half price or more!
Hope that helps!
Peace and light